Le buison consulting est un cabinet de consultance qui vous accompagne dans la réalisation de vos projets dans divers secteurs d’activité.



+243 824 370 446

848 Av haut-congo, kinshasa-gombe


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Find a public relations and partnerships expert


Public relations and partnerships

The public relations and partnerships service that we offer is a service that aims to manage the external communication of our clients, using different levers to strengthen their brand image, their notoriety and their credibility with their target audiences. Here is a detailed description of this service:

  • Communication : we take care of designing and implementing our clients' communication strategy, based on their objectives, their positioning and their visual identity. We create and distribute communication materials adapted to different channels (website, social networks, newsletter, etc.) and different formats (text, image, video, etc.). We ensure the consistency and quality of our clients' communication across all media.
  • Marketing : we are responsible for defining and implementing our clients' marketing plan, taking into account their market, their target, their offer and their competition. we develop and implement marketing actions aimed at generating traffic, leads, sales, loyalty, etc. we use digital marketing tools and techniques (SEO, SEA, SMO, email marketing, etc.) to optimize the performance of our actions.
  • Domiciliation : we offer our clients the opportunity to domicile their business in our premises, offering them a prestigious address, access to administrative services (mail, telephone, fax, etc.) and work spaces (office, meeting room, etc.). We thus allow them to benefit from a professional framework, better visibility and reduced costs.
  • Partnership : We help our clients to develop and maintain partnership relationships with key players in their sector of activity, whether they are companies, associations, institutions, NGOs, etc. We provide them with our expertise, our network and our support to identify opportunities, negotiate the terms and enhance the benefits of these partnerships.
Buisson Consulting

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